What platform is this suggestion for?: Survival Server
This is a suggestion to help members, as they only have 1 set home.
In short form: be able to move 1 spawner.
Being able to "silk" a spawner but, instead of going into your inventory, it goes into this gui that will pop up and it will say "You have 1 spider spawner" etc. This will mean you are in possession of a spawner, you will be able to place it however you will still be in possession of this spawner until you completely destroy it (loosing it forever).
Limit of possessions = 1
This will ensure people cannot hog / sell / own multiple spawners at one time in the gui. (you can still own multiple spawners, but will not be able to "silk" them"
This Gui will allow you to transport/move the spawner to your base etc.
Part 2:
Allow only 1 spawner to be able to be moved via the gui per person and spawners need to be 2 chunks away.
Now that i typed all this I realized it is too complicated and confusing...