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Everything posted by arvidghost

  1. *Dead joins* *SB crashes*
    Dead=fat confirmed!


  2. Not gonna lie, my pfp and cover photo is good.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. arvidghost


      i got denied u nab xd now i need to wait 35 days to re-apply

    3. TrigonVII
    4. arvidghost


      I try harder..i downgrade.

      i do it randomly...i upgrade.

  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: arvidghost What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: If you stand on hoppers which are synced with chests, have any key in your inventory, do /keys and open a crate the items that "drop" from the crates or appear above the crate drop on the ground and when they are about to disappear they get sucked into the chest. I found this bug on accident by some random person who was talking about it. I deleted the 2 items that i got from the glitch because i tested it if it worked.
  4. Damn you write longer paragraphs then me when i bombard a kid with logic xd.
  5. i have 2 followers...i feel famous

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Star_WarsFan


      Ooo I wanna know whats a gf

    3. AbdeElRachid


      Ihave no followers and i feel like im in a stage with while world population

    4. Star_WarsFan
  6. Last time on iCarly...

    Dead became UnDead

  7. Welp atleast sellwands will be someday added even this is an old thread
  8. huh the website looks a bit better even the "ranks" like with the posts

  9. *Community Reputation*




    Not sure if that's true^^

    1. Unsanity


      Hello, this is forum god, I'll see you soon!

  10. VV mate just PM Dead_Master_121 or ImSkully about this :/

  11. I'm selling God Set on SB for money DM on discord or forums when im online


  12. 3 warning points and still here heh.

    1. Skully


      I can give you another 5 man just let me know and I'll hit you up 🙏

    2. arvidghost
    3. Star_WarsFan


      Lol i got 4 and I'm still here Arvid

  13. kids need to read the forums and don't complain/suggest dumb stuff. :/

  14. Welcome Baconaire to UltraNetwork, Hope you enjoy the server and have fun :). Ps. If you need help just ask around
  15. try re-loging and there are some places where custom enchants don't work like spawn.
  16. IGN is arvidghost hope thats enough i have my rank in Prison but i dont think i have the tag on the website
  17. Simple either place more or build a cactus farm.