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HERTIUS last won the day on December 18 2017

HERTIUS had the most liked content!

1 Follower


  • Birthday 01/11/1995

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  1. hi catk only a owner can look to the applications so i cant help you with that srry
  2. Welcome Gert to UltraNetwork i hope you like the server good luck further Greetings HERTIUS
  3. lies big fat lies you didnt tell them about your Dragon Ball addiction
  4. to be honest i play only campaign on bf4 never went online since i play bf1 online
  5. Hi All Most of you guys know me as HERTIUS or on discord as Jinx My realname is Toby i live in Belgium I'm 22Years old i am a Co-Owner of a company that does sercurity on events My hobbys are Gaming and fitness I play a bunch of different games Minecraft,world of warcraft, League of legends, battlefield (all of them),call of duty (all of them), fifa, the sims etc. My steamname is Regiowars same as origin for i'f you want to play with me pm me I'm mostly active on discord my discord name is Jinx#5338 hit me up i'f you got a problem with something I'f i can help you with something don't be scared to ask me I think that is pretty much it