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Everything posted by xkingz

  1. Keep it out!!! Can wait to play again Love u daddy xD
  2. Hello and warming welcome here. I'm Xkingz_ u can take a look at my profile for more detail Enjoy your stay
  3. BUG REPORT edited. nevermind im dumb this can be close
  4. Kewl I will check em out later
  5. xkingz


    Hi and Welcome to UltraNetwork enjoy your stay!!!
  6. zzzz after months :O

  7. Still not working... what is that thing .-.
  8. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Xkingz_ What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: So... my tag is missing when i go outside from /spawn But another people can see my tag and i use 1.8.9
  9. hmm 10 days more for PT3... (examination) 

    1. Star_WarsFan


      well Good luck i have psat soon as well XD

    2. xkingz
  10. wrong section and read this thread https://forums.ultranetwork.me/index.php?/topic/3066-forgotten-account-password/
  11. will make more forum game soon :) pls be prepair :P 

  12. Huh Danny told me Server was born on July....
  13. Hi there glad to see this server grow. im played here around 1 years Hope we can be friend want to know more about me? check my Forum profile ~ #Grammar 10/1 ;3 #PlebPresiden #Chill #Welcome
  14. YEE new signature ;3

  15. Sorry im just have 1 question... Did autosell sign will sell our stuff that in the chest even we go offline?
  16. If u want be judge at my Build battle contest pm me ;3

  17. Tired to read em all.... (to much words)