Suggestion about the cobble generator access


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So, this is a problem I wanted to talk about very long time ago. I have been getting complaints from most of my island members and many other players that we can't access the cobble generator while the leader isn't online. This is tbh a very big problem for all of us. It is a fact that cobble generators are one of the most effective source for money earning and it's nearly impossible for the leaders to stay online 24/7. That's where the other members get limitations in earning money. It's a problem I've been hearing for quite a while and I think it's time I put it out... So I request you to please look up to this problem we're facing and fix it.


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Yes! I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. Many of us live in different timezones and coordinating a time to play together might be tricky. It is not practical for the island leader to remain online forever and it really limits how much grinding the other island members are able to do. I am sure most players share the same sentiment and this small little change will make life more convenient :)

However, even if this is not implemented, you could ask around to see if anyone is kind enough to let you use their cobblestone generator when the island leader isn't online.

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Ok yihern.... First of all thanks for the support. It's kinda sad how the grind increases significantly for the island members for this.... But imagine the situation of island with more than 4 members (for example your island and mine). As a leader I actually try to stay online as long as possible, giving everyone the most out of me.... And about asking someone else to let them use the gen.... Well you can't just start depending on other people for generators daily, right? It can be done for like 2 days or so...... After that your own moral will start to stop you... So I think I can say that your idea is practical but temporary..... And I also think that dead should actually look up to this problem very soon

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gens have been the same since skyblock was created, was never changed - nor plan on changing it any time soon, this was at first a bug most likely will still be considered a 'bug' by most people

But since the timezone of island members is a problem and is a good reason for me to change it around, I'll do so :)

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