The best informatic command to be In the server!


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So first what is this status about you ask huh? so let's ditch /pt and hovering above someone's name to see his stats.
the command /status "playername" if /status it will show yours

what does it do?
shows :
balance - token balance - play time - real ign - afk or not - quantity of votes - reaction wins - rank not the mines (if global or won in a competition) - rank in mines - prestiged or no - rebirthed or no. and a ability to make some things private to people. a discord addition if possible and premium or cracked.

with one command all of this is good!

balance : 21q (i wish) | tokens: 49 milion | pt: 198 days | ign: pedo_bear_21 | ingame status: dead [jk hes afk] | votes: 0 (he's lazy ibet just to vote once)
reaction wins: 273 (dam) | rank:meme renk (owner add this) (say to it bye bye after reset and its on prison) | mine: alpha-3 | prestiged: 69 | rebirth: 21
discord: pedomaster360#1337 | authentication : none of your business {jkjk im in cracked hihi} |

or make it like /status ImSkully_votes if you don't want to show a lot of things

i'm bored of hovering into someones name to read his info and then chat moves and i lose him ;-; the end. im  bored too of using /pt of my time or another player and the worse is you cant see offline players pt so this is where /status came to make everything about info of the player look easy and concentrate in it to read in your time.

So what do you think? reply to me!
                     pssttttt [if this gets added i'm going to record myself dabbing with intense music hihihihihihihihi]

hek no im not going to do it Xd

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8 minutes ago, Unsanity said:

Some of this is good, but there's way too much detail.

did you read the example if you don't want to see a lot of info... /status imskully_votes or any other info.... /status unsanity_discord ect ect so you check what you want that's all. no huss no fuss

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