Welcome Instruction Books


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So there are many times a new player will join the server and have almost no idea what to do so I have an idea to add an instruction book when a player joins the server it would automaticly go into there inventory just like the starter kit and if they want to know any thing on the server they can open the book. i asked a friend to make one of these types of books so if you accept the idea there will already be copies if you would like to use. 


The book contains the basic commands a talks about how to increase the is level it also goes into mcmmo levels and how to use action house. it also tells the players how they can get ranks by directing them to /donate the book also goes over the rules of the server so that will also be helpful to new players and might reduce begging and scamming :3. 


If you accept the request and would like to use this book then either message me on discord at michael tepper#6855 or find me on ultranet work my minecraft user is michaeltepper


The one responsible for creating the book is of course a player named Autreous 


I currently have the master copy if that's what you want to use


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