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JakeTheMan last won the day on January 5

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About JakeTheMan

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    Apache Attack Helicopter


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  1. Hey! This is not the appropriate form for this post. Please make a ban appeal in the ban appeals section. https://forums.ultranetwork.net/forum/42-create-ban-appeal/
  2. Thank you for the excellent guide and tips! I'll share it with new players. Keep up the great work Wegus
  3. Hey there! We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the bug Could you please open a ticket on the Discord server and provide us with more information regarding the bug to assist in recovering your lost tokens?
  4. I may be able be to resolve your issue, please send me a PM on Discord. (jaketheman) Also to avoid crashes in the future I recommended that you use 1.19+ on the survival server.
  5. Minions are currently broken on Skyblock.
  6. Try to switch hotbars, and please PM me on Discord for more assistance. JakeTheMan#6604
  7. Hey! Please try to leave & rejoin the server, also make sure you have /autosell on
  8. After you do /discord link and receive the code do you put the code in #bots ?
  9. SERVER SUGGESTION What platform is this suggestion for?: Prison Server Description A Party plugin would be really nice since /gangs got removed and we no longer have anything to chat with multiple players privately, so the addition of /party and /party chat would be useful to people who want to chat with more than one person anywhere in the prison server without being at the same plot
  10. After you get unbanned you will be able to buy a rank. You can't buy unbans you have to wait for it to expire
  11. It's a nice idea, but i don't think it would be worth it to create a app since it would take some time and the amount of people that use the forums is pretty small
  12. This is not a bug. Make a Rank transfer request by clicking here Use your old account to transfer the items to the new one.
  13. this would be good and it will make me want to mine more