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  1. for ex. Take a stick rename it into "Come to my warp. /is warp name / diamond, gold, emeraldshop/xp farm & iron, etc.." Its annoying to see text with 50 characters without reason. They add item plugin for other reason not to advertise a island.
  2. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Shop What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Shop gui problem with leaves. Go to "Block Menu" you will see case "Leaves" its useless cuz there is "Other Menu" where is case "Leaves". I really dont know what shop have a lot of duplicated items like redstone,apples,wools,clays. Did someone will fix it in future?
  3. SERVER SUGGESTION What platform is this suggestion for?: Skyblock Server Description I honestly wish the server had as little advertising and spam as possible. Because everyone started using [item] to advertise their islands. I honestly think this should be removed or punished for the reason that there is too much spam. Some know how to put 3-4 lines of text on an item and then when used in chat it takes its place. The [item] function is to show people what they use and what they have, not to advertise all day.Everything in the chat is cluttered with colors, names, etc .. Well, I honestly think it's unnecessary to even advertise via [item] because it's really not nice to see a lot of text. Best regards, Najt
  4. That wont be good. Its only a way to get more free items, ranks. There is a vote system and if you are in top3 you can get ranks, keys. Its a OP Skyblock and if you are active one day you can get everything what you need. Events are good but for fun.
  5. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Najt What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Same bug with banners. When you break them they are black. I was post this bug before and you fix it but now again its a problem. I send a ticket ingame about this.
  6. Hi SpookiBoi, Its not a section for losted items and its not a bug. Type here for losted items Best regards, Najt
  7. Hi killerbla, Its not a section for losted items and its not a bug. Type here for losted items Best regards, Najt
  8. I hear about that problem that some people have problem with withdrawned credits but i dont know when they will fix it or its not a bug, just needed relog from server.
  9. Hey dark, I lost 6 votes cuz owner tell me that offline votes will be registred when i join the skyblock or prison, but that dont work. I got ignore of him. If you did vote when you are not on server your votes and rewards for them will not be registered. I have proof of my problem and still get ignore by owner. I'm sorry,cuz you have the same problem. Best regards, Najt
  10. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Najt What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: After sitting in the stairs. The stairs are impossible to destroy. I think sitting in the stairs should be removed.
  11. There are a lot of minor and major issues reported, but I don't think they care so much about our problems. It may not be so, but they honestly always say that they will fix it or report a bug to them to look and nothing happens. I just know when island owner isnt online on server, your generator generate wont work, when owner come to island generator will generate a custom ores. I know that is so bad but we cant fix it. Best regards
  12. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Najt What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: In the shop there are more than two duplicates. (Gray Wool, Gray Terracotta, White Terracotta,Redstone Dust, Apple and polished Andesite). Some of these duplicate themes have different prices. I will upload some images in attach about this issue. Polished Andesite (First page# Blocks menu 50$ per 1 item/ Second Page# Blocks menu 1200$ per 1 item) Apple (First page# Food menu: Buy 60$ per 1 item / Sell 30 per 1 item / First page# Farming menu: Buy 50$ per 1 item / Sell 20$ per 1 item) Gray Wool, Gray Terracotta, White Terracotta and Redstone Dust are only duplicates but the price is the same The banners on your server do not work properly. You create a custom banner, then place it on the floor, then destroy it and it is no longer custom because it has turned black. I made a short video about this, I hope it will explain the situation enough Excuse me in my poor written English, I hope you fix some of the above. Thanks in advance and best regards