Skyblock Cobble gen


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So....Here I am again talking about the cobble gen... Dead please fix the gens.....This has gotten way out of hands rn....I grind for 2 weeks straight.... Then I took a break for a couple of days....Suddenly I get a message from one of my teammates that all my spawners are stolen!! I literally had 200 Witch spawners....over 50 Ig spawners, 17 zombie, 11 skeleton, 9 enderman, 5 Blaze spawners And all of it is gone. So my teammate said he was talking to skully and other mods so I didn't contact them myself.... after removing a couple of suspects from my island and after locking it....I log on today And guess what? All my 2000 island level worth of minerals (Dia, emerald and gold blocks) are GONE!!!! This time I was pretty sure that whoever did it was because of the money.... He/She couldn't use the cobble gen....All the spawners are gone to be able to AFK and I'm not there for help so yeah...... So This is my request please fix this problem ASAP because if this goes on, a lotta more people are gonna suffer...


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