Totem Giveaway 2.0!


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Hey Guys,

First of all, I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who turned up to the Totem Rank giveaway yesterday.  I had a lot of fun hosting, and I hope you guys had fun as well.  90 people on Prison, and it didn't crash!

However, due to unforeseen circumstances, both the Emerald rank and the Grand prize of Totem is still up for grabs.  So after discussing ideas with a few people, we have decided on a way to decide a winner.  As much as the chest event was fun, it would take far too long to organise round 2.  So this time, the idea is so simple, it requires no prep at all!

At /plot h Ariewan 2, you will find hoppers.  All you have to do is write in a book and quill, sign it and drop it into the hoppers.   On the day of the winner being announced, I will enter all the names into a random generator, and 2 winners will be chosen.
I will record and upload to youtube, so you can all see the results for yourselves.

Same rules apply as last time:
-Only Prison Players are entitled to win the main prizes. (You must have a minimum of 5 days playtime on Prison, or have been an active member of the community within the past week).  This can and will be checked.
- No alts: ALL accounts will be checked for alts.  If you enter more than 1 account, all accounts will be disqualified.

I apologise for dragging this out another week, however it was beyond my control.

This will be drawn Sunday, 8th September, 4pm AEST (Same time as the last event).  HOWEVER, the hoppers will be closed 24hrs earlier, to allow me time to check every account for alts etc.
If you have any questions or suggestions, as always don't be afraid to DM me on Discord (Jodie#5469).


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It is indeed unfortunate that you have to host another giveaway following the first :(

I believe that it is imperative for you to define what constitutes a "Prison Player" to avoid any confusion. (Possibly a way to distinguish is to set a certain requirement like minimum playtime or certain blocks mined?)

Overall, I'm looking forward to the giveaway and thank you for putting so much effort and time into the server and community! :D 

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Sounds great! The idea of having a minimum playtime will drastically reduce the amount of players (meaning that new alts and players cannot be apart of the giveaway seeing as they may leave the server soon after) and previous method of randomisation took over 2 hours so this new idea is a massive improvement in efficiency. I will definitely be testing my luck again in this second part.

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21 minutes ago, Ariewan said:

The chest event can and will be used again.  However, now that we know what needs to be changed, I can ask for help from the admins and owners!

Hello, Ariewan. If you need any help making the chests for the event just add me to your plot and i could help you. My ign is turtle021 and i am Coal.

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