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About iconop

  • Birthday May 8

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    Apache Attack Helicopter


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  1. SALES & TRADES MARKETPLACE Server: Skyblock Buying, selling or trading?: Trading What I am Trading: Trading ender, void or elytra voucher for. Elytra: 3.5B Ender: 2.8B Void: 2.3B How I would like to be contacted: /msg iconop or falseshots on sb when online or DM me at IcoNOP#8777
  2. Really really required!!! Many members leave the island with their chests in pshops etc. making that place as well as storage useless for the members
  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: iconop What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Not able to put ces on items since last 2 days. Whenever I drag and drop a ce on an item the ce doesn't applies. The link below is to a video showing exactly what happens. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FCa551yiJQ7VRcA2yK6EhJiN9rSmbg8t/view?usp=drivesdk. Thank You
  4. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: iconop What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Bug in flowing of water and lava in the nether making it impossible to stop source. A new source automatically generates if we try to stop the lava/water flow the new source formed can be collected in buckets either.