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Everything posted by CoronaTablets

  1. Hey skully, i was wondering if i could have a discord link, all ones on sites are out of date. I used to play on this server and now have used up all of my registration slots and i would like to remove them to be able to play with this username. If you could get in touch that would be great, thanks.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skully


      If you simply make a ban appeal, even if you don't know why you were banned, an investigation will be started regardless to determine why you were banned and then to create terms to get you unbanned.

    3. CoronaTablets


      Should i provide a date seen as though i dont recall when it was.


    4. Skully


      Again, it doesn't really matter - provide an estimate date as to when you last remember being in the Discord.