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About DJZK

  • Birthday 11/11/1999

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  1. My birthday is about to end soon :) Any swishes for me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unsanity


      Happy Birthday! Hopefully, I wasn't too late.

    3. mess_my_friends


      happy bithday i a know i am sooooo late but i want to say something import-ant........... the ant ran before i import it can you export-another-ant for me ??? XD lel

      oh yeah there is another one .......

      A:you will be isolate without friends

      B:what ? what did you say ? what i heared is o late .... don't worry O is not lated it came early it came before P lel XD

    4. DJZK


      Jeez thanks :) My reply was late :D thank you guys :)


  2. Just tested it on other server and it is working, tried again here, still no, tried 1.8 to 1.12, no luck
  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: DJZK What is the bug related to?: Other Briefly explain the bug/issue: A plugin bug (Skin restorer) In which my skin dont appear in any part of UltraServer, I tried using /skin clear, relog, restart, reconnect. or /skin DJZK relog, restart, reconnect. No luck
  4. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: DJZK What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: /autosell bug affiliated to /pm or /r or maybe other commands Minecraft 1.13.2 05_11_2018 12_49_13 AM.mp4