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About MrDurcan

  • Birthday 12/20/1997

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  1. Can i get donator rank on discord too My name is MrDurcan
  2. I bought diamond rank in skyblock can i get donator rank? its MrDurcan gn and discord
  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: MrDurcan What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: IM bugged. Whenever I mine 100x spawners it will give me a witch spawner with a different ID back and will remove the other 99. This issue doesn't apply to my island mate just for me. I wont be breaking any spawners so there wont be any future refund requests coming but My island mate now has to Mine 4500 Witch spawners by himself because if i try ill remove them all. I think im glitched because ive been around so long (30days 5hrs play time) on this server. Its not my pickaxe as i've replaced it since the glitch has started and the problem persists. I put in a refund request before when i lost spawners to this which was refunded thankfully but i still have the problem. Help, Thanks MrDurcan EDIT: I have discovered the problem is the Telepathy ce. If this ce is removed from the pickaxe it will drop spawners properly.