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About HuluNchill

  • Birthday 10/06/2001

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  1. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: HuluNchill What is the bug related to?: Other Briefly explain the bug/issue: It seems around 1AM couple times a week. The hub server goes down and players are not able to connect to the server. Just wanted to make this probelm aware.
  2. I’m back I finally got my own place and I’m able to play again !
  3. I'm back :D in game as HuluNChill itsyour boi yx4 back in the black ❤️ 

  4. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: yx4 What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: When you do /afk for more than 5 mins it clears your inventory and I lost the pic that I donated to get. I'm very upset and its happened to more than just me in the past hour. Skruffy (the Admin) told me to make a post about it.