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    Apache Attack Helicopter


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  1. Pretty cool that you added 4 languages but anyways hi
  2. Welcome to the community and I'm a pancake
  3. Why would they both need all cosmetics? They only need bedrock or void to have all cosmetics not both
  4. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: yaboipancakes What is the bug related to?: Website Briefly explain the bug/issue: So in the ultranetwork store i was just looking what perks you get for the kind of ranks and i saw bedrock and void have the same perk being ''all cosmetics'' i was confused and i looked around and i just saw it as a mistake by skully or dead
  5. jeff help me troll 9 year old roleplayers in roblox
  6. Bug reports and refund requests are different. Maybe you shouldn't have posted it here Make a refund request for your pick here
  7. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: yaboipancakes What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Hello,this is just a quick bug that doesn't really effect the item (i cant really explain but you can see it with the photos) Its a glitch with a anvil. if you combine 2 items via a anvil the enchants combine 2 but with a different font and the enchant's doesn't work so let me show it how it works here are the photos its not a game breaking glitch but still it should be patched in the next reboot
  8. yeah im pro un player do /kill Im_Real_Nooby for 1q
  9. apply with /apply (it makes so much sense)