[Survival Server] An idea for money sink


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What platform is this suggestion for?: Survival Server


Headup, this is an idea that also related to another topic that i created "[Survival Server] Incr. claim chunk problems, sol.", if u missed it, u should check it out for better understanding of this idea

This idea would involve the command /l top, so prepare for it

-The idea-

-Make a weekly or monthly event of people sinking their land money similarly to auction, which the top lands with the most money sinked will be given additional perks on their land (allowance of more players to trust, increase the amount of claim a member in your land can provide -> which solve many problems with limited claims but still encourage players to buy ranks, etc... such as more land spawns or thing like that)


-The tops lands' money will be sinked into the system, providing a way to balance the money a player often have (money sink), while the losers will be given back the money to their balance

-Encourage the player's charisma on the server, as it will involve the allowance of getting more members to get more claims -> getting a better image of the server's community

-Solve the limited claim problem

-Encourage many people to acknowledge the perks of ranks that can give u (claims, /sethome,....), thus encourage the rank buying

-Incase of owners adding a point system for how many times a land win, it encourage the land's member's personal proud on the land -> giving it a popularity among the community ->even more encouraging the players to join the event

-... (I forgot :v)

- Solo players will nearly have no ground in this event

- More competitive economy

- Competitive event

- Have a bit of impact to people who sell ranks to others for the money they deposit into the event (which, if the event have unique reward that worth the money, then it won't be a problem)

-/l top will be the sum of the money the land sinked + the balance the land have left


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