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About norhuhh

  • Birthday 08/09/2000

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  1. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Norhuhh What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: you can use piston to take others shulkers, if its not your island.
  2. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Norhuhh What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: when placing lava, it turns into water. and the bucket disappears.
  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: norhuhh What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Hello, the bug is where your tool wont break no matter how much you use it. i mined only 1 block but i hope you understand what i mean.