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About ProfLazy

  • Birthday September 25

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    Apache Attack Helicopter


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  1. Also because of the prestige setback, I was able to buy another prestige for the same price, 25T, and get another pickaxe and another key.
  2. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: ProfLazy What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: I do not know what happened, but both my tokens and prestige's were reset. I had 1 prestige and around 9-10k token saved up. The picture with the green concrete was me in the angel mine which was from 3 days ago, and the other picture is the recent picture I took. In the angel mine photo, it shows that I had 3k ish tokens and 1 prestige, while in the recent one it shows no tokens or prestige's.
  3. May I get a Donator tag on Discord, I has gold rank - Discord Username - ProfLazy#1480 Minecraft Username: ProfLazy
  4. Welcome back, my good sir/ma'am. (Idk what your gender is)
  5. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: ProfLazy What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Breaking a wolf spawner turns it into a vindicator spawner. That is basically it.
  6. OwO An OG player Hoi.... And Idk what to say, soooo hI.
  7. Welcome to the Community!! Glad to meet you!
  8. I am using 1.12.2, though I am going to use a different version because you reminded me too :p. Edit: I used 1.13.2 and it worked
  9. I don't know why I decided to make this post, but I shall do it. Things that I like: Cats, games, sleeping, eating and playing in the UN server. Most of the things that you would see on a shirt, but that is pretty much what I like. Things that I don't like: People pressuring me to do stuff, talking out loud, and most other servers 'cause they are really toxic. That pretty much sums it up. I amz a regular person with no life that stays up to 12 am on a school night to do this. P.S. This server has a gud chat filter.
  10. XYZ: 23954.68/47.87500/-65005.192 are the coordinates. Edit: It worked with Lebron23
  11. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: ProfLazy What is the bug related to?: Skyblock Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: When I right click my condense wand with my chest full of iron, gold, etc, the condense wand does nothing and it doesn't make the items into blocks.
  12. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: ProfLazy What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: When I withdraw 1.9k gems and then redeem it I get an extra 200 gems as seen in the picture.