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Everything posted by YDJZDJF

  1. No it's not All versions that contain shulker boxes does these things
  2. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: YDJZDJF What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Shulker box glitch strikes again! After I mined the shulker box (To get it in my inventory) what it gave me was... an empty shulker box! Please fix this bug... Named shulker boxes also lose their name... Video proof...
  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: YDJZDJF What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Shulker boxes lost all of their items when break... I losted a chest of vouchers before the video attached... Blame explosive pick... The glitch needs to be fixed or we need to have the Shulker box dropped on the ground. Video support