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Kenroytk last won the day on July 31 2018

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About Kenroytk

  • Birthday October 23

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    Apache Attack Helicopter


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  1. My name is in screenshot asking something dumb lol
  2. A 60 day ban is just too much for me i need to go back to UN #freeken.

  3. I was testing how to be a noob.
  4. Is data pronounced data or data?:/

  5. This isn't the first am hearing about this issue there is also a bug with XP bottles so avoid doing these things until they are fixed.
  6. Needing that green D on forums. IGN: Kenroytk Rank: Iron Cool Level: you thought @Skully Never mind me just being the kid i am.
  7. Am Kenroytk aka Banned Member.