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About ToxicBurstGaming

  • Birthday 12/13/2003

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  1. The bug was Fixed, /l claimlist Did work for all my other claims except with my Ocean Monument which It said it was going to tp me there but never did. idk what the issue was but its fixed now
  2. I clear out the water before it broken and Chucks far away that I claimed still don't tp to the location and I use my claimlist to tp there. There is no water where I claimed it and /home works fine but its the /l claimlist that won't tp me there
  3. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: ToxicBurstXZ What is the bug related to?: Survival Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: I've been trying to teleport to my project (Draining a ocean Monument) But it won't let tp over there. I have claimed other chucks near and far away for the Ocean Monument but it still won't work. the Count down happens but I wont get teleported to the location and I have to fly over there which takes a while. I use /l claimlist to teleport there