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About Aduchii

  • Birthday 11/17/2004

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  1. SERVER SUGGESTION What platform is this suggestion for?: Prison Server Description So i wanted to rent a pmine to a player that time and i dont know how do i contact him/her and i also don't know his discord and that's why i suggest this command so we can just send a mail to a player some important msgs or something, so if they're online they can just read the mail. I hope this gonna be accepted. thx
  2. BUG REPORT In-Game Name: Aduchii What is the bug related to?: Prison Server Briefly explain the bug/issue: Hey Sir/Maam, i just lost my pick on prison and i dont know why i acciedentally right click my pick while mining and replace it to Upgrade Pickaxe and now i got the Upgrade Pickaxe from the bug and i lost my pick at first i thought i just dropped my pick so i tried it again to another pick (voting pick axe) and it happened too and now i got 2 bug pick axes. So im sure that i lost my main pickaxe on it too. hopefully i can get it back since i spent alot of time just to make it op (not that op or maxed).